Originally published on my website in 2009, FOODINI was a collaboration of multiple creative and technical disciplines. The original concept was based on my conceptual nod to Harry Houdini, magicians and the mystical romanticism of the Belle Epoch. Incorporporating genuine period props and culinary devices of the era, viewers would encounter various objects that the great FOODINI included in his infamous last performance. Thanks to a seance, viewers are able to witness his illusions as the objects come to life. Meanwhile, poetic spells, symbols and messages manifest and wisp in and out of frame like conjured spirits. The project was embraced by TJ Vissing, Scott Burchette and the digital team of OMS Photography, who’s sensational potographic images along with the most advanced web navigation for it’s time, helped bring FOODINI to life. Over a year in post IT/CGI production, editing and development, FOODINI was a seamless cinematic treat for the eye with images materializing, changing and dissapering into thin air. Once a viewer clicked on the Foodini admission ticket, a slate board appeared proceeded by text that began to slowly materialize, introducing them to their host, the clairvoyant MADAME GASTRIOQUE. Once the text was complete, the mouse pointer burst into an animated, continual sparkling ember that would wave over selections to move forward or reverse. Every image was a process of not only conceptual design and photo production, but also an extensive collaberation in composing narrative text and researching symbols that were layered in as ghostly counterparts during post production by Keith Kitz. The ticket is an original from a Houdini performance that was transformed by Charles Cronley at OMS Photography, recreating the fonts and replacing Houdini’s face with a carefully styled, shackled hen mimicking his most infamous and ultimately fatal act.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Monsieur and Madame…the GREAT FOODINI !